Normal (MICS)Micro-Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery -DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
This video shows an unedited normal phaco surgery for cataract through Micro-incision (2.2mm). This video is designed to explain the steps of Cataract surgery to common people.
How maintaining a correct daily routine in your life can bring a POSITIVE change in your health.
Maintaining a proper schedule is the basic necessity of life. In recent times due to a busy life schedule many young people are not able to follow a proper routine. Sleeping on time is essential for giving rest to our eyes and with the disturbance in our sleeping schedule we at Suneye Hospital confront many complains related to eye problems. Dr Sudhir Srivastava has come up with his video explaining how sleep and maintaining a proper routine and lifestyle can impact your eye health positively.
Social Impact Of COVID-19 on our Families-(Voice-Over)-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
This video shows the impact of COVID-19 on our mind and families, we are going through a tough time but this unprecedented event has given a lesson to ourself and time to reset our lives ..
Covid is an contagious disease .Although Cataract surgery remains the same but sometimes we can not delay further due to maturity of Cataract since it might create Cataract induced glaucoma and patient might loose sight forever.However ,we have to follow so many new protocols to avoid spread of coronavirus in other patients and staff.This Video shows how we processed a cataract surgery under new norms at SunEye Hospital .Thanks to our patient (Name Hidden) who has consented to be part of this film.
Message to Patients and their attendants who have planned Eye Surgery -(Hindi) Dr Sudhir Srivastava
Message by Dr Sudhir Srivastava for the patients and their attendants who have selected SunEye for their Eye Surgery
SunEye Hospital Lucknow Introduction
The Sun Eye Hospital & Laser Center is one of the leading super specialty eye care center. It is headed by medical director Dr. Sudhir Srivastava, a renowned ophthalmic surgeon who has many national and International experiences in his credit. Sun Eye Hospital, since its inception in 2000 has always strived to offer the very best of the ophthalmic patients has been in the forefront of delivering specialized eye care services for various disorders of the eye. We are committed to the protection and preservation of the treasured gift of sight. Consistent with our mission to resolve diseases.
How to start or Resume a Hospital after Lockdown (COVID ERA)-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
We Have Changed Protocol and made New SOPs at all level of hospital’s working for safety for patients/Attendant and Staff members. Request to patients to understand this and cooperate at all levels.We are here to help society. This Video shows our concern for the society .
Divide And Conquer Phaco-emulsification – ( voice-Over) DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Divide and Conquer is a type of Phacoemulsification technique for phaco fragmentation . Good for beginners, and the best way to know the Geometry of Nucleus. However, it requires high power than other chopping techniques. Crisp division is key to success.