Indian Medical Sector in Trouble -We are feeling helpless-Dr Sudhir Srivastava
Use of Visco-Elastics for the Management of Posterior Capsular Rent-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAV
Posterior Capsular Rent is one of the complications during phaco-Surgery. Every surgeon has his own plan in this situation. I came across a similar situation but successfully managed it by using high viscosity viscoelastic.I kept on injecting the Visco through the second port and with low IOP continued to aspirate cortical matter.I know it wouldn’t work in all situations of PCR but my idea was to show that this could be a way to come out of a difficult situation.
Tips to deal with Fibrotic Anterior Capsule with white Mature Cataract – DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
FemtoCataract/Non-dilating Pupil/Polar/Toric Multifocal IOL- Difficult Phaco Situations
Indian Medical Sector in Trouble -We are feeling helpless-Dr Sudhir Srivastava
As medical personnel, we are feeling incapable to see the despicable situation of our medical sector. Our country has produced efficient and best medical practitioners in the world, still we are crying and feeling to be dismissed. The government should instantly make a central core team of experienced nonpolitical doctors to determine the destiny of the medical sector in the nation. No nonmedical personal should be implicated in the policy-making core. The media should stimulate positive news regarding medicals instead of talking only negative and should always communicate with the medical forum before making news. SAVE DOCTORS AND SAVE MEDICAL INDUSTRY
Mucormycosis (previously called zygomycosis) is a serious but rare fungal infection caused by a group of molds called mucormycosis. These molds live throughout the environment. Mucormycosis mainly affects people who have health problems or take medicines that lower the body’s ability to fight germs and sickness.
Practical Tips for the management of Morgagnian cataract-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Morgagnian cataract is a form of hyper mature cataract formed by liquefaction of the cortex and sinking of the dense nucleus inside the Capsular Bag. Making a moderate size capsulorhexis is protective for corneal endothelium since it allows us to do more phacoemulsification inside the bag and secures the nucleus pieces not to come in the anterior chamber as free-floating.
Decompression of Intumescent Cataract through IA Cannula-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Intumescent cataract a mature cataract that progresses; the lens becomes swollen from the osmotic effect of degenerated lens protein, and this may lead to raised Intra lenticular Pressure. Performing a controlled Casulorhexis is a difficult and unpredictable task. This video shows how to decompress the lens pressure by using IA (Irrigation and Aspiration ) Tip using Cortical aspiration Phaco parameters.
Monitoring of Vitals During Cataract Surgery-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAV
An ophthalmologist cannot administer conscious sedation and monitor the patient and do cataract surgery at the same time. I personally feel that the presence of anaesthetists is crucial during surgery. But there is no compulsion that anaesthetist must be present in the operation theatre all the time. Therefore operation theatre staff including ophthalmologists must be aware of a few basics of vitals monitoring and resuscitation in case of emergency.
Scleral Fixation of Dislocated Intraocular Lens in Vitreous Cavity
This Video shows a trans-scleral fixation of multipiece IOL after vitrectomy from inside. Stabilization of dislocated IOLs with inadequate capsular support can be accomplished by iris fixation or trans-scleral fixation through the ciliary sulcus or pars plana. Different techniques for trans-scleral IOL fixation have been reported which can generally be classified into open- and closed-eye procedures.
Sudden Blindness After Road Accident -Importance of Helmet to save life Optic nerve Avulsion/Bleed
Most of the deaths are preventable. … Wearing a helmet has been shown to decrease the risk and severity of injuries among motorcyclists by about 70%, the likelihood of death by almost 40%, and to substantially reduce the costs of healthcare associated with such crashes.Helmets create an additional layer for the head and thus protect the wearer from some of the more severe forms of traumatic brain injury. A helmet aims to reduce the risk of serious head and brain injuries by reducing the impact of a force or collision on the head.
Phaco-emulsification in A Patient taking Tamsulosin ( Voice -Over )-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
The use of tamsulosin to treat prostate enlargement and urinary symptoms was linked with an elevated risk of complications after cataract surgery.The uroselective alpha-blocker tamsulosin is the most commonly used drug among all. Studies showed that the majority of the patients who develop intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) were on tamsulosin.
Anterior Chamber Bleeding during Phaco-emulsification -(Voice-Over)DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Anterior Chamber Bleeding during cataract surgery is not common, but patients on blood thinners, Iris -neovascularization and iatrogenic during surgery might be the reasons. Use intracameral Epinephrine a known vasoconstrictor and raised anterior chamber pressure for some time would help to stop the bleeding.
Divide And Conquer Phaco-emulsification – ( voice-Over) DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Divide and Conquer is a type of Phacoemulsification technique for phaco fragmentation . Good for beginners, and the best way to know the Geometry of Nucleus. However, it requires high power than other chopping techniques. Crisp division is key to success.
Normal (MICS)Micro-Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery
This video shows an unedited normal phaco surgery for cataract through Micro-incision (2.2mm). This video is designed to explain the steps of Cataract surgery to common people.
Phaco-emulsification in A Patient taking Tamsulosin ( Voice -Over )-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
The use of tamsulosin to treat prostate enlargement and urinary symptoms was linked with an elevated risk of complications after cataract surgery.The uroselective alpha-blocker tamsulosin is the most commonly used drug among all. Studies showed that the majority of the patients who develop intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) were on tamsulosin.
Anterior Chamber Bleeding during Phaco-emulsification -(Voice-Over)DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Anterior Chamber Bleeding during cataract surgery is not common, but patients on blood thinners, Iris -neovascularization and iatrogenic during surgery might be the reasons. Use intracameral Epinephrine a known vasoconstrictor and raised anterior chamber pressure for some time would help to stop the bleeding.
Divide And Conquer Phaco-emulsification – ( voice-Over) DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Divide and Conquer is a type of Phacoemulsification technique for phaco fragmentation . Good for beginners, and the best way to know the Geometry of Nucleus. However, it requires high power than other chopping techniques. Crisp division is key to success.
A Phaco-Surgeon must Know SICS -(Voice-over) DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
SICS offers safety over phacoemulsification in black rockhard nuclear cataract. Every phaco-surgeon must learn Manual small incision cataract surgery .
Phaco-emulsification in A Patient taking Tamsulosin ( Voice -Over )-DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
The use of tamsulosin to treat prostate enlargement and urinary symptoms was linked with an elevated risk of complications after cataract surgery.The uroselective alpha-blocker tamsulosin is the most commonly used drug among all. Studies showed that the majority of the patients who develop intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) were on tamsulosin.
Anterior Chamber Bleeding during Phaco-emulsification -(Voice-Over)DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Anterior Chamber Bleeding during cataract surgery is not common, but patients on blood thinners, Iris -neovascularization and iatrogenic during surgery might be the reasons. Use intracameral Epinephrine a known vasoconstrictor and raised anterior chamber pressure for some time would help to stop the bleeding.
Divide And Conquer Phaco-emulsification – ( voice-Over) DR SUDHIR SRIVASTAVA
Divide and Conquer is a type of Phacoemulsification technique for phaco fragmentation . Good for beginners, and the best way to know the Geometry of Nucleus. However, it requires high power than other chopping techniques. Crisp division is key to success.